Our Curriculum

We have high aspirations for all of our children. The children are at the centre of their own learning and development. As we see, hear and understand the individual child, overviews are used effectively to ensure all children develop holistically and gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they require for success throughout their lives. We also follow children’s interests as appropriate.


We have tailored our curriculum to the needs of our children. Our curriculum is book led and holistically underpins all areas children's learning and development. 


We have carefully chosen books linked to ‘The Power of Reading’ and 'Launchpad for Literacy' to support our EYFS curriculum. This enables children to make links and connections between knowledge and skills across all areas of learning and development.


Our book led curriculum helps us to:

  • Stimulate children’s curiosity and spark imagination 
  • Inspire children to ask questions and learn new knowledge, skills and vocabulary
  • Develop children’s background knowledge and cultural capital
  • Enhance and develop children’s vocabulary
  • Support children to foster deeper and more transferable learning
  • Engage and deepen children’s understanding across all areas of the curriculum
  • Encourage discussion of big ideas and themes
  • Provide models for writing
  • Make early reading a focus point
  • Help all children to fall in love with books and reading


If you would like to know more information about our curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher or email: criggadmin@crigglestonecastle.wakefield.sch.uk or castleadmin@crigglestonecastle.wakefield.sch.uk

Our curriculum encompasses all of the elements below, placing children's mental health and wellbeing at the core.

Our curriculum peadagogy is through the Curiosity Approach.

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