We make up 2 of 3 Maintained Nursery Schools in Wakefield Local Authority.
A lot of people ask what exactly is a Maintained Nursery School?'
A Maintained Nursery School is a local authority school, and is funded and controlled by the Local Authority, just like any other Local Authority school. They must be led by a Headteacher and employ other qualified teachers, and like all schools in the country the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) must be a qualified teacher.
We are inspected by Ofsted in exactly the same way as primary and secondary schools.
There are just under 400 maintained nursery schools remaining in England.
Maintained Nursery Schools are uniquely placed to:
Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools are incredibly proud to be Maintained Nursery Schools. We work tirelessly to deliver excellent education and utilise our expertise, resources and passion for inclusion and early years education to ensure the very best outcomes for all of our children.